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Sparks of life threaten to reanimate Fido, a zombie comedy
that feels late to the bloody punch bowl. Yet the real hindrance here
isn’t bad timing, but the movie’s tiresomely chirpy 1950s Father Knows Best
setting, which wears out its welcome in seconds. (Wasn’t this kind of
parody old in the ’80s?) As we learn in one of those jittery
duck-and-cover mock educational films, American soldiers fought waves
of the undead in the Zombie War and prevailed, turning their vanquished
foes into gardeners and butlers for well-scrubbed suburban families.
One such clan consists of status-seeking mom Helen (Moss), bread-earner
Bill (Baker) and little Timmy (Ray), lonely until the family acquires
“Fido” (Connolly), a soulful walking corpse.Forgetting the pointless Ike-era context for a second, several
moments call out for a more serious treatment: the forlorn gaze of a
trophy girlfriend gone bluish; the rite of passage that comes when a
12-year-old gets his first pistol (“It can come in handy!” confides
Dad). Fido, though, is content with its far-from-heavenly
message: Zombies are people too. That’s an absurd sentiment given the
lengths gone to achieve it. The best horror movies say the exact
opposite: People are zombies too.
Release Details
Release date:Friday 15 June 2007
Duration:91 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Andrew Currie
Billy Connolly
Carrie-Anne Moss
K’Sun Ray
Dylan Baker
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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